Event "Zaube Wild Food Festival" organizer: Cēsu novada pašvaldība
Zaube centre and Upper Lake:
– cooking demonstrations, tasting of wild and healthy food and drink;
– amateurs’ competition in cucumber salting, potatoes’ pealing;
– cooks competition of preparing food with wild ingredients;
– competition of rural style cakes:
– Green market and catering, creative workshops and activities;
– Music, dances, concert for children “Vilku Trio” and concert by group “Kanisaifa” and well know percussionist Nils Īle;
– Outdoor dancing party with country music group “Sestā jūdze” all night
Lower Lake:
– Wild Food banquet “Under Old Zaube Oak” - hosted by caterers and hunters, fishermen and local producers from Amata Municipality. Nine course - game meals, fish, wild muzhroom, quinoa salad, desert with wild berries, cakes, home made beer and more. Meeting with cooks of all meals, music and surprises, Relaxed atmoshpere.
(available 100 places with advanced bought tickets only here: https://www.bezrindas.lv/events/preview_event/?full_slug=bernu-un-gimenes-pasakumi/lejasezera-garsas-svetki-zaube);
Access to all other festival zones are included.
It is forbidden to bring into the event: