Zoo visit ticket valid printed or electronically
Ticket valid for 6 months from the date of purchase.
The mission of the Riga Zoo:
■ To introduce and educate society about the diversity of the natural world;
■ To participate in research and conservation of different species of animals in Latvia and all over the world;
■ To promote conservation of wildlife and habitats;
■ To motivate people to understand the nature around us and to realize our role in it.
The basic function of all zoos is defined in the World Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Strategy. Since 1992 the Riga Zoo is a member of EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria). The membership in this organization means that the zoo has to maintain high standards in animal welfare as well as other aspects of the zoo’s operation. In accordance with the strategic aims set by EAZA, the Riga Zoo has undertaken to participate in the conservation of biodiversity, to invest in projects devoted to the protection of nature and to carry out environmental education.