In plain sight. Performative magic.
March 2, 3, 8PM
Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre (16, Kaļķu street, Riga, Latvia)
Age range: 10+
Duration: 60 minutes
About the show
From the moment the show starts, everything the performers will need is already on stage: objects, bodies, sound, and lights. Emerging from a seemingly random collection of things, the magicians will perform six magic acts. Like alchemists, they extract the essence of magic from raw materials. The company’s unique and experimental talent for reinventing magic turns tricks into performative illusion art.
The performers are totally immersed in their act: their bodies, their precision, and their craft are a direct connection to magic.
Are the magicians a pair of twins? Are they interchangeable or complementary? Together with four other performers, they deliver delicate and ephemeral scenes in which they interchange identities, transcend objects, and suspend bodies in the air. Their magic disrupts the flow of matter, time, air, and life itself.
“Men with a thousand hands, what you make us believe is more real than reality, which is a dream (…). Your lies give us more to marvel at than our reality.” Jean Cocteau
About the company 32 Novembre
Cie 32Novembre has stepped away from the usual representation of magic and is playing with the codes. Just like the circus arts, which had their revolution not so long ago, magic is now in full bloom. The company is always looking at breaking the traditional codes to create new forms of dramaturgy. Cie 32 Novembre is using magic and the essence of the technical skills to create inspiring contemporary performances.
When Maxime Delforges and Jérôme Helfenstein first met, they were both passionate magicians who were fascinated by each other’s universe. They soon decided to work together in order to explore a common language. They set up Cie 32 Novembre in 2011
In 2014, they premiered CloC, their first show together. CloC is a duet for two magicians in which the two characters on stage are trying to escape from their well-oiled daily routine. They challenge monotony and passing time and take refuge in a surrealist world full of poetic and dream-like chaos. In CloC, Delforges and Helfenstein used their magic skills on objects to tell their story.
After four years of touring CloC, Delforges and Helfenstein started to research on their second show, A VUE (2019). This time around, magic takes centre stage in their research. Delforges and Helfenstein will use it as performative tools in itself, rather than a mean to an end for a special effect. In A VUE, magic is applied to bodies.
Magie nouvelle (new magic)
“Levitations, transformations, holograms, impossible sculptures, and optical manipulations are part of the vocabulary of this new language where exquisite illusion asserts itself and where the impossible becomes a new type of intimacy.”
Magie nouvelle is reinventing magic as we know it, transforming it into a language of artistic exploration and a means of creative expression.
10–35 EUR
Early bird prices – until January 31, 2022
Special discounts:
Children and youth up to age 25, seniors and people with disabilities – 15%*
Circus school students – 20%
Group discounts are available for groups of 5 to 10 persons (15% discount) and groups 10 to 20 (20% discount). For larger groups please contact
* Places for wheelchairs are available (including a free seat for the accompanying person). In case of questions, please, contact us:
With a valid Covid-19 certificate ONLY for person’s that have recovered from Covid-19 within the past 6 months or vaccinated persons, as weill as children up to 17.