Sigulda Zoo apmeklējums
Siguldas zoodārzsMarch 30, 17:00, other times
Mēs Jūs Mīlam: Beigas
Madonas novada kultūras centrsApril 12, 15:00, other times
KGB building in Riga (in English) - Children under 12 years old are not allowed in guided tours
KGB BuildingApril 12, 13:00, other times
KGB building in Riga (in English) - Children under 12 years old are not allowed in guided tours
KGB BuildingApril 12, 12:00, other times
KGB building in Riga (in English) - Children under 12 years old are not allowed in guided tours
KGB BuildingMarch 21, 13:00, other times
KGB building in Riga (in English) - Children under 12 years old are not allowed in guided tours
KGB BuildingJuly 27, 14:00
Ieva Kerēvica #VIEDI Brīvdabas Koncerts
#VIEDIMarch 26, 20:00, other times
Dramaturgu teātrisSeptember 18, 19:30
FuckUp Nights Riga // Vol.30
Splendid PalaceMarch 23, 12:00, other times
Guided tour at Museum of the Occupation of Latvia (ENG)
Latvijas Okupācijas muzejsMay 2, 22:00, other times
Splendid PalaceMarch 21, 22:00
Stand Up izrāde “Trilingvāls” / Aleksandrs Margolins
FonoKlubsMarch 27, 20:00
AngārsAugust 14, 16:00
Summer School on Investigative Reporting - COPY
Rīgas Ekonomikas augstskolaApril 18, 20:00
GraBulis // Muzikāli dzejiskais duets
WiktorijaOctober 9 - October 10
RIGA COMM 2025 – Baltic Business Technology Fair and Conference
Kipsala International Exhibition CentreApril 26, 21:00
TAUTUMEITAS // koncertā "Bur man laimi"
WiktorijaApril 18, 19:00, other times
Stand Up "Patiesība par Vīriešiem un Sievietēm"
Siguldas pagasta Kultūras namsApril 24, 19:00, other times
Rīgas cirksMay 3, 21:00
Willow Farm // koncerts "Šodien nebūs rīt"
WiktorijaMay 23, 21:00
Fēlikss Ķiģelis // koncerts “Izredzētā”
WiktorijaApril 25, 15:00
Meistarklase "Paplāte ar augu motīvu transfēriem" - 25.04.2025.
SIA GardumsMay 22, 09:00, other times